Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Travels, Hotels

Al Baraka Group Proud to serve you

About Company

We Are Proffesional Great!

Our Values Mission Company Goal
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing

Welcome to Al Baraka Group, a global leader with 22 years of excellence. We operate 12 branches worldwide, offering top-quality products and services in hypermarkets, supermarkets, travel, and hotels. Under the visionary leadership of Chairman Abu Yusuf, we prioritize customer satisfaction, integrity, and innovation. Our commitment to excellence ensures we meet the diverse needs of our valued customers.

leadership of Chairman

Abu Yousuf

1 +

Branchs in world wide

22 Years Of Business

With 22 years of business excellence, Al Baraka Group has built a strong reputation for quality and reliability. We proudly serve our customers through 12 branches worldwide, offering diverse, high-quality products and services in various industries.

We’ve achieved many national awards for our success.

Our business leaders have come a long way. There are numerous areas in which our business leaders, through their creativity & entrepreneurship.

Meet Our Awesome Team Member


Nasrin Sultan

Vice Chairman

Abdullah Al Zaber

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Managing Director _ Abu sayed

Abu Sayed

Managing Director (MD)
Abu Toyub Nadim

Abu Toyub Nadim

Director _ Joy Islam

Joy Islam

Additional Director _ Asma Akter

Asma Akter


Our Latest News

Stay informed with the latest news and updates from Al Baraka Group. Discover our recent achievements, new product launches, and upcoming events across our global network of businesses and services.

Want to Contact with us?

Call us:
+968 9249-9956

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