
Hello and welcome to the official vlog of Al Baraka Group! I’m Asir Intasher, and I’ll be your host as we explore the vibrant world of our company. For over 22 years, Al Baraka Group has been a leader in providing high-quality products and services across a variety of industries, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, travel, and hotels.

Meet Our Chairman

First, let’s meet the visionary behind our success, Chairman Abu Yusuf. His dedication and innovative approach have been the driving force behind our growth and reputation for excellence. Under his leadership, we have expanded to 12 branches worldwide, each committed to delivering top-notch service to our valued customers.

Our Local Partner

We also have the privilege of collaborating with local partner Younis Khamis Hamed Al Brashdi. His expertise and regional insights have been instrumental in enhancing our operations and ensuring we meet the needs of our local communities while maintaining our high standards.

Branch Tour

Join us as we take you on a tour of our branches. From bustling hypermarkets to serene hotels, each branch is a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Our branches are strategically located to provide convenience and excellent service, no matter where you are.

Customer Testimonials

Hear directly from our customers as they share their experiences with Al Baraka Group. Their stories of satisfaction and loyalty are a testament to our dedication to excellence.

Employee Spotlight

Meet some of the amazing team members who make it all happen. Our employees are our greatest asset, and their passion and hard work drive our success every day.

Latest News and Updates

Stay tuned for the latest news and updates from Al Baraka Group. We’ll keep you informed about our recent achievements, new product launches, and upcoming events.

Community Engagement

At Al Baraka Group, we believe in giving back. Learn about our community engagement initiatives and how we’re making a positive impact in the areas we serve.


Thank you for joining us on this journey through Al Baraka Group. We’re proud of our history and excited about our future. Make sure to subscribe to our vlog for regular updates and insights. See you next time!

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