You can learn more from our asked questions

Al Baraka Group is a multinational company offering high-quality products and services in hypermarkets, supermarkets, travel, and hotels. We have been in business for 22 years and operate 12 branches worldwide.
Our chairman is Abu Yusuf, whose visionary leadership has been instrumental in our growth and success.
We have 12 branches worldwide. You can find detailed information about each location on our Branches page.
If you have a complaint or issue, please contact our customer support team. We are committed to resolving any problems promptly and effectively.
You can reach our customer support team via phone, email, or by visiting one of our branches. Detailed contact information is available on our Contact Us page.
We offer a wide range of products and services, including groceries, household items, travel packages, and hotel accommodations. Each of our branches provides tailored services to meet local needs.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

Have questions or need assistance? Contact Al Baraka Group for any inquiries related to our products and services. Our dedicated team is here to help you. Reach out to us through phone, email, or visit one of our branches.

Corporate Office Oman:

High Street Ruwi, Muscat, Office No.: 4348, Building No.: 3548, P.O. Box: 388, Postal Code: 418, Sultanate of Oman.

Call for help:

+968 9249 9956

Mail for information:

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